1 | Anne Clark und herrB | Form | LifeWires 2014 |
2 | Ruined_Conflict | Rebellion | Revolutionary Mayhem 2014 |
3 | Heimataerde | Bruderschaft | Single 2014 |
4 | Battle Scream | Spiel auf Zeit | Seelenfeuer 2014 |
5 | Stoneman | Goldmarie | Goldmarie 2013 |
6 | Star Industry | Lost Generation | Last Crusades 2007 |
7 | The Arch | Babsi ist tot | As Quiet As EP 1987, Seconds And Centuries 1995 |
8 | Cephalgy | Zum Abschied | Engel Sterben Nie 2005 |
9 | Wynardtage | Sea of Agony | Sleepless in Heaven 2012 |
10 | Cygnosic | This Is The Night | Fire And Forget 2013 |
11 | Zynic | Dead End | Blindsided 2013 |
12 | Mesh | Only better (Club) | Single 2009 |
13 | Clan of Xymox | Love's on diet | Matters of Mind, Body and Soul 2014 |
14 | The 69 Eyes | The Chair | Blessed Be 2000 |
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